Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Food Inc.

I really enjoyed the movie. It definitely made me think about what I eat and where it comes from. Having the panel at the end of the movie was great. How awesome to see how small local changes can make a difference.
For me the biggest change I think I am going to make is to grow a garden this summer and to eat out less! I have always had a "black thumb", but I think it is important to give growing a garden a try for my family. We live on a farm and raise our own beef and pork, so I already know where my meat comes from. I am thinking about getting some chickens now though. I think that movies like this are what we need to get the message out about what is going on with the food we eat. I hope more people watch it. I know I am recommending it to everyone!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The ipad debate

Computer world and pc world each published an article about the ipad. The article in Computer World takes the view that the ipad will be the next big thing. That it will appeal to a wide variety of people and be able to do things the net books do plus more. The man who wrote the article in PC World believes that it is just the latest thing that won't last. That the netbooks are affordable and are more what consumers need.
I personally feel that the ipad will do well. I think that it will appeal to many different types of people and it is user friendly. I have the iphone and I LOVE it. The ipad looks like a giant iphone. I think that once it is out for awhile the price will come down and any problems it might have will be worked out.